Saturday, 14 February 2015

And it begins

Today a big suitcase full of fabric and feathers arrived into the studio. I had no idea what was in store for us until the sewing began.

We had been given a small image for how the feathers should be sewn down and the skirt pattern pieces. My task was to help cut out the fabric and tack the edges of the pattern pieces, then to remove the paper and tack inside the piece as we had two layers of organza and this way they both would stay secure and not move.

We had to make a grid to work out where the feathers would go. This involved drawing a lot of dots, working out the distances and re working them out.
The dots had to be 4 by 4 cm apart, in the right direction.

Once this grid was done and correct I then had to lay the fabric over the top and use a silver pen to mark out the dots. This would be where we sew each bunch of feathers. 

There were four pattern pieces so I had to tack out the piece and secure it down then mark out the dots for each piece. 

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