Monday, 2 February 2015

A coat of arms

Two suits were given to us asking us to sew two badges onto the front pocket, I took this one and the other intern did the other suit. My badge was slightly more difficult as it wasn't just a simple shape, I had the top of the crown and the axe to secure down too. 

I could have sewn the suit onto the frame of in a hoop but I felt this would be awkward as my badge was of an odd shape. I just made sure that the badge was straight and in the centre before putting in a few pins to help hold it in place. 

I had to unpick the lining of the suit carefully working out where the badge would be sewn and how much space I would need. I didnt want to unpick any more than needed and I didnt want to damage the lining fabric by catching it when sewing the badge.  

This was the most interesting thing I had to sew a badge onto, a bowler hat. I had to first trim the badge and make sure it was all equal and even before finding the centre and pinning onto the hat. I decided to stitch over the original machine stitches so that my own could not be seen and this would make it look a lot neater. 
The hard part was finding where the needle would come up through the hat. I also wanted to keep the stitches on the inside small and neat. After using the thimble the needle became bent which made sewing the badge down a lot harder but I eventually finished. 

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